Casale Paradiso quinoa zeleninou 200g
Casale Paradiso quinoa zeleninou 200g

Casale Paradiso quinoa zeleninou 200g

Casale Paradiso quinoa with vegetables 200g

Quinoa is one of the most nutritious grains, containing various minerals (such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc) and is rich in vitamins B, C, and E. It is high in fiber and essential amino acids, and is also abundant in antioxidants. Consuming quinoa helps replenish the body with minerals and vitamins.

You can enjoy quinoa as a side dish instead of rice or mixed into salads. It can even be used as a replacement for oatmeal in the morning if you want a protein-rich breakfast. Quinoa flakes can be easily prepared by soaking them in milk or water, just like oatmeal. Quinoa is closely related to spinach, beets, and amaranth.

The product is gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

Pour the contents of the package into a large non-stick pot. Add 1.2 liters of boiling water (or vegetable broth for extra flavor). Add 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and 1 teaspoon of salt. Cook for 18 minutes, stirring occasionally. When the water is absorbed and the grains have opened up and softened, the quinoa is ready. Remove from heat. Optionally, add a small amount of butter and grated Parmesan cheese for creaminess. Mix well and the quinoa is ready to be served.
Bonusové body: 0,10 €
Zloženie: Quinoa 95% (Peru), zelenina 5% (tekvica, červená repa, mrkva, cibuľa, cuketa, baklažán, pažítka, petržlen)

Netto hmotnosť: 200g

Priemerná výživová hodnota na 100g výrobku:

Energetická hodnota: 1604kJ/380Kcal
Tuky: 6g
z toho nasýtené mastné kyseliny: 0,7g
Sacharidy: 64g
z toho cukry: 0,5g
Bielkoviny: 14g
Vláknina: 7g
Soľ: 0,0g

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